Sunday, January 11, 2009

Golden Globes and Carolina

Just finished watching the Golden Globes, that wonderful lovefest/drunkfest of "love" and "art." It left me with a few burning questions:

1) Since Kate Winslet won both Actress (Revolutionary Road) and Supporting Actress (The Reader), for which performance will she win the Oscar?

2) So will Mickey Rourk take the Oscar from Sean Penn?

3) Will Slumdog Millionaire feel the Oscar love and sweep there as well?

4) Was Tracy Morgan drunk? (Well, it tis the Globes, after all).

5) Will Sally Hawkins (Happy-Go-Lucky) take Melissa Leo's spot when
Oscar noms come out? (I think so).

6) Will Brangelina get hosed nominationwise?

I will write a full analysis and answer these questions over the next couple of days, once I ponder and consider them.

As far as Carolina is concerned, they played like Clemson--used to, anyway. In the cellar of the ACC? Really? Counting the days for the ACC tournament for when UNC will make things right, or when Duke loses a couple more, which will happen, by the by. Et tu, Bunny?


  1. I am so proud that you are so hip and cool now with your 21st century stuff

  2. UNC with seven games with only one ranked opponent (and its Clemson) - yes they might have a little run stopping right on the 11th quoth the Bunny. And let's see how Duke battles Wake before anyone places a bet.
